The pressure for brands to respond and take a stand on social issues is at an all-time high. To understand how to respond to these expectations and navigate the realm of reactive marketing, Wendy Meyer explores the questions brands should be asking themselves before taking definitive stances.
In a time where businesses across the world have been forced to partake in an experiment that tests its ability to embrace innovation and lean heavily into the world of online communication, those who are succeeding all understand that community management is a critical business function.
Au lendemain de la tragédie ayant mené au décès de George Floyd, de nombreuses marques ont émis des déclarations indiquant leur appui au mouvement Black Lives Matter, ainsi que #BlackOutTuesday. Les communautés en ligne ont rapidement vu clair dans l’approche de réaction et se sont mises à interroger ceux dont les mots ne reposaient pas sur des plans d’action.