
Can we return to a global “normal”? A look at consumer attitudes beyond Canada

Posted by
Angela Carmichael

Can we return to a global “normal”? A look at consumer attitudes beyond Canada

Écrit par
Angela Carmichael

This week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada is still weeks away from easing pandemic restrictions, and Canadians seem to be aligned with this phased-in approach to restarting our nation’s economy.

According to a new Leger poll, 29 per cent of Canadians believe restrictions on workplace and leisure activities should only be lifted once the country is free of any new cases for at least two weeks. Leger said they conducted the study because we’re now in the phase of COVID-19 “where people are starting to reconsider when are we going back to normal.”

However, as weeks turn into months, it’s fair to question if things will ever truly return to the way they were. A new global FleishmanHillard study, COVID-19 Mindset: How Pandemic Times Are Shaping Global Consumers, examined this very question, looking at how the virus is reshaping global perceptions and behaviours.

The simultaneous six-nation survey of consumers in the United States, China, Germany, Italy, South Korea and United Kingdom revealed many interesting insights, including:

  • 68% of consumers reporting the pandemic has changed the products and services they once thought were important.
  • 65% of consumers are currently postponing purchases and travel, and 52% intend changes to their buying behaviours to continue.
Our global research shows that what organizations do now matter. Organizational accountability and transparency are critical.

Additionally, most people aren’t expecting a return to“normal” life anytime soon. While the average individual in China feels it’s as few as nine weeks away, citizens in other countries believe it will take much longer: 15 weeks in the U.S.; 17 weeks in South Korea and Germany; and 22 weeks in the U.K. and Italy.

So, what does this mean for global companies who will be navigating the new economy once we ‘clear’ COVID-19? Our global research shows that what organizations do now will matter. Organizational accountability and transparency are critical. Well-structured communications can acknowledge the pain and challenges we all face today, while helping to improve and even accelerate better outcomes for individuals, organizations and society.

If your organization needs support or advice in these uncertain times, here’s where you can find the latest news, insights and resources related to COVID-19.

This week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada is still weeks away from easing pandemic restrictions, and Canadians seem to be aligned with this phased-in approach to restarting our nation’s economy.

According to a new Leger poll, 29 per cent of Canadians believe restrictions on workplace and leisure activities should only be lifted once the country is free of any new cases for at least two weeks. Leger said they conducted the study because we’re now in the phase of COVID-19 “where people are starting to reconsider when are we going back to normal.”

However, as weeks turn into months, it’s fair to question if things will ever truly return to the way they were. A new global FleishmanHillard study, COVID-19 Mindset: How Pandemic Times Are Shaping Global Consumers, examined this very question, looking at how the virus is reshaping global perceptions and behaviours.

The simultaneous six-nation survey of consumers in the United States, China, Germany, Italy, South Korea and United Kingdom revealed many interesting insights, including:

  • 68% of consumers reporting the pandemic has changed the products and services they once thought were important.
  • 65% of consumers are currently postponing purchases and travel, and 52% intend changes to their buying behaviours to continue.
Our global research shows that what organizations do now matter. Organizational accountability and transparency are critical.

Additionally, most people aren’t expecting a return to“normal” life anytime soon. While the average individual in China feels it’s as few as nine weeks away, citizens in other countries believe it will take much longer: 15 weeks in the U.S.; 17 weeks in South Korea and Germany; and 22 weeks in the U.K. and Italy.

So, what does this mean for global companies who will be navigating the new economy once we ‘clear’ COVID-19? Our global research shows that what organizations do now will matter. Organizational accountability and transparency are critical. Well-structured communications can acknowledge the pain and challenges we all face today, while helping to improve and even accelerate better outcomes for individuals, organizations and society.

If your organization needs support or advice in these uncertain times, here’s where you can find the latest news, insights and resources related to COVID-19.

Angela Carmichael
With over 20 years of communications experience, Angela leads our talented FleishmanHillard HighRoad team and plays an integral role helping our clients through issues, crisis management and corporate reputation initiatives. She inspires her teams to produce compelling programs that are insightful, creative and drive business success for our clients.
Angela Carmichael
Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience en communication, Angela dirige notre équipe de professionnels doués chez FleishmanHillard HighRoad et joue un rôle essentiel dans l’accompagnement stratégique de nos clients lorsqu’ils font face à des crises et est une ressource clé indéniable dans les démarches de ces derniers à maintenir ou croître la réputation de leur entreprise. Elle inspire ses équipes à développer des programmes percutants et efficaces misant sur la créativité, et s’assure que chaque membre chez FHR contribue à la réussite commerciale de nos clients.