News & Opinions


We operate in an ever-changing environment. Keep up with insights from our team, highlights from our work, and glimpses of the culture that makes FHR shine.

Nouvelles et opinions


Nous travaillons dans un environnement en constante évolution. Soyez au courant des points de vue de notre équipe, des faits saillants de notre travail et des aperçus de la culture qui fait briller FHR.


The frugal economy: How brands can connect with Canada’s cautious consumers

Wondering if your business can recover lost customers and lost revenue as a result of COVID-19? Canadian consumers may be cutting back on their spending but many also anticipate they’ll be back in stores over the next 6 months. And they’re coming back with higher expectations of brands than ever. Know what it takes to fine-tune your brand marketing communications now so you can win back their business.

Adrienne Connell

Will support for governments’ pandemic response survive a return to politics as usual?

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, politics faded into the background as governments focused on crisis response. Anna Lilly discusses the role that politics will play during the recovery period.

FHR Public Affairs

Brands can help Canadians feel more optimistic about life after COVID-19

Our global study, COVID-19 Mindset: The Collision of Issues, reveals Canadians are feeling less optimistic about the future, which means brands need to be patient and empathetic with consumers on the road to recovery.

Angela Carmichael

Building trust is key for leaders to weather the storm of COVID-19

Our global study, COVID-19 Mindset: The Collision of Issues, reveals high levels of skepticism towards community leadership around COVID-19, which can be an opportunity for companies to act now and build trust.

Angela Carmichael

In this time of crisis, Canadians expect companies to act now and lead with purpose

A new study, COVID-19 Mindset: The Collision of Issues, reveals Canadians ahead of other companies in holding companies and CEOs to a higher standard, expecting them to act on important social and political issues such as racism, the environment and wage gaps.

Angela Carmichael

The WFH expert: 5 tips from a seasoned remote employee

One of FHR's longstanding remote employees offers her top five tips to get the most out of your desk in the den and produce quality work.

Brooklyn Lutz

L'art de travailler de la maison avec des enfants pendant une pandémie

Vous vous trouvez à travailler de la maison pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19 pour respecter les recommandations de #distanciationsociale des autorités de la santé publique? FHR vous partage des astuces pour garder les enfants de tous âges occupés et stimulés pendant que vous vous mettez au travail.

March 19, 2020