We operate in an ever-changing environment. Keep up with insights from our team, highlights from our work, and glimpses of the culture that makes FHR shine.
Nous travaillons dans un environnement en constante évolution. Soyez au courant des points de vue de notre équipe, des faits saillants de notre travail et des aperçus de la culture qui fait briller FHR.
Today was a major milestone for Premier Ford’s PC government; its first budget since taking power last June.
An innovative, entry-level AI solution designed specifically to improve how brands interact with customers on their social media channels
Check out our full take on Budget 2019 and the road ahead for the federal government.
Technology innovation and adoption is faster today than ever before. Developments that seem radical at first – and let’s face it, sometimes even scary –quickly become something we cannot imagine living without.
The delivery of Ontario’s Economic Outlook is an opportunity for the sitting government to not only reflect on its early achievements, but also to update the public on the broad thematic areas it plans to pursue and rollout a handful of specific policy announcements.
Vous vous trouvez à travailler de la maison pendant la pandémie de la COVID-19 pour respecter les recommandations de #distanciationsociale des autorités de la santé publique? FHR vous partage des astuces pour garder les enfants de tous âges occupés et stimulés pendant que vous vous mettez au travail.